Tips For Keeping Your Carpets Fresh

If there’s one thing in your home that shows wear and tear, it’s your carpet.  From furry friends to muddy shoes, the carpet in your home can go from looking fresh to looking dirty. The look and feel of a carpet will set the tone of your home, giving it a nice ambiance. Take a look at our tips for keeping your carpets looking fresh and clean.

Remove the Shoes
This is a big one. Before you or anyone else steps foot into your home, remind them to take off their shoes. The foot traffic going in and out of your home can create a mess on your carpet. Wearing shoes in the home will increase the amount of dirt and grime tracked in your home-creating an unsightly appearance on your carpet.

Vacuum Regularly
It’s crucial to make vacuuming a part of your daily cleaning routine. Vacuuming picks up the dirt, debris and dust and keeps it from getting embedded deep within the carpets. When the dirt in the carpets isn’t vacuumed up, it can actually damage the fiber and change the appearance of the carpet. 

Deep Clean
It’s recommended that carpets be professionally cleaned at least once a year, but twice of year is preferred. However, if you have pets, it’s suggested carpets are professionally cleaned twice a year. Because pets go outside a lot, they tend to carry a lot of dirt and debris on their paws. Regular carpet maintenance and cleaning can help prevent them from looking dingy, dirty and dull. 

Keep your carpets looking fresh by regular vacuuming, removing dirt and grime before it sets in and deep cleanings. For professional carpet cleaning services contact our team at Atlas Cleaning Services today!